
We create handmade gifts for members of the congregation both to provide comfort and mark milestones. 

These gifts include crocheted and knitted prayer shawls, prayer lap robes, and handcrafted wooden comfort crosses for people who are sick or have experienced the loss of a loved one, cross-stitched pillows for infants and children who are baptized, afghans for high school graduates, and handcrafted wooden wall crosses for confirmands and adult baptismal candidates. Each gift is wrapped in prayer for the recipient. 

We also create and sell clerical stoles and chasubles with the proceeds benefiting St. Anne's ministries.

St. Clare's Guild meets the second Friday of the month at 11:30 a.m. All are welcome to participate. No experience is necessary, since we'll provide lessons! (During the Covid-19 pandemic, we are meeting via Zoom.)