Why are we so afraid? The Rev. Jane Milliken Hague.

There is a malaise in the world now. Some of us are angrier, sadder, and more afraid. And much of this is due to what physicians are calling the fourth variant of Covid, which can leave us with a sense of depression and a lack of hope. But there is good news! Find out specific ways that becoming part of your church can actually work like a vaccine against this sense of malaise. A sermon by the Rev. Jane Milliken Hague.

Who should I trust? The Rev. Eugene Wright

Who should I trust? The Rev. Eugene Wright

Who should I trust?

Sometimes when we feel impatient, wanting to do the right thing, wanting a shortcut to salvation, we yell at God, saying "Just tell me what to do and I'll do it!" We don't understand that no matter how much we want heaven, we don't have the strength to do what it takes to get there. No matter how hard we try, we can't do it by ourselves. But luckily, God loves us so much, just as we are, that he sent Jesus to open the door of heaven to us. And if we trust Jesus, amazing things happen. A sermon by The Rev. Eugene Wright.

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Are you divorced? The Rev. Jane Milliken Hague

Are you divorced? The Rev. Jane Milliken Hague

When the Pharisees test Jesus about his views on divorce, he answers not only from a cultural point of view, but also expresses God's will. Is it to marry, which should provide protection and justice, companionship and wholeness? What do Jesus's words mean in 2021 for marriage and divorce? And how can a community of faith be a resource for those who divorce? A sermon by the Rev. Jane Milliken Hague.

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If you had only one wish. The Rev. Jane Milliken Hague

If you could be granted one wish only what would it be? When God asked King Solomon what he wanted, he chose wisdom. God granted his request and retreated. That's how we often think of God—as distant. But all that changed when Jesus's feet walked on Earth. Find out how your wish of feeling God's presence within you has actually come true through the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. A sermon by the Rev. Jane Milliken Hague.

The Train Track of Your Life. The Rev. Jane Milliken Hague

The Train Track of Your Life.  The Rev. Jane Milliken Hague

I want to know peace. I want to know love. I want to know joy. Imagine you are on a train--be it on the fast track or the slow track. Is the train going in the right direction or veering off? Find out how God can help you keep your train on the right track and fill that empty whole in your life with peace, love, and joy. A sermon by the Rev. Jane Milliken Hague.

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Freedom from Fear. The Rev. Jane Milliken Hague.

On the brink of World War II, President Franklin D. Roosevelt assured Americans they had four essential human freedoms: freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want, and freedom from fear. Fear breeds a sense of scarcity. Find out how the assurance of God's love can help us overcome our fears to risk thinking big and step out with courage. A sermon by the Rev. Jane Milliken Hague.