Every day St. Anne’s Episcopal Church lives out our mission of worship, witness and love. We strive to always live in accordance with our belief in a loving, liberating, and life-giving God, especially during these difficult times of pandemic and uncertainty. To make this possible, please prayerfully consider making making a donation to St. Anne’s. We welcome one time offerings or recurring offerings. For recurring donations please consider setting up a recurring payment through your bank’s bill pay system so that St. Anne's does not have to pay the fees associated with giving by credit card.

Giving is a part of our worship to God. It has been said that you can tell nearly everything about a person by the way they spend their money. Whether you are tithing in obedience to Malachi 3:10, working towards the biblical tithe of 10% of your earnings, or contributing over and above your tithe as an act of sacrificial generosity, your financial offering will help us minister God’s hope and healing to upper Montgomery County and beyond. We give in order to be blessed, not for fear of anything negative in our lives. We give out of gratitude and love. We give to honor God for everything that God has given us. We give as an act of our Worship. We give to ensure that the work of God's Church can continue.

Why  should I give money to my church? 

A Tithing Catechism (everything you wanted and maybe didn't wan't to know about tithing)