We welcome and cherish your unique gifts.
We welcome you to join us in worship and fellowship for as long as you want without officially becoming a member of St. Anne's.
Ready to make that commitment? If you were a member of another Episcopal church, we can easily arrange to have your membership transferred to St. Anne's.
If you have never been a member of an Episcopal church, we encourage you to participate in membership classes we hold periodically. Here you can learn more about what it means to be an Episcopalian, as well as what it means to be a member of this particular Episcopal church.
If you have never been baptized or confirmed, we also offer what are called "Inquirers' Classes" to help you prepare for this sacrament. Such classes are not only instructional, but also offer a wonderful opportunity to bond with our community of faith.
Baptisms are performed by the rector at St. Anne's during Sunday worship, while confirmation is performed by the bishop of the Diocese of Washington either at the Washington National Cathedral or during a visit at St. Anne's.
For information or to get answers to your questions, please contact us.