
Fr. Jonathan David Musser

The wardens and Vestry of St. Anne’s are thrilled to announce that we have called the Rev. Jonathan David Musser as our next rector. 

He will begin on Monday, November 22. His first Sunday service will be on the First Sunday of Advent, November 28.

Fr. Jon is a native of St. Louis, Missouri and is a 2017 graduate of Virginia Theological Seminary. He is currently the Assistant Rector at St. Francis in Potomac, and he has previously served All Saints Church in Chevy Chase, Church of the Ascension and St. Agnes in D.C., and All Souls Church in D.C.

Fr. Jon received his bachelor of arts degree in psychology with a minor in Asian studies, as well as a master of science degree in community counseling from the University of Central Arkansas. He also has had additional training in mediation and conflict transformation and hospital chaplaincy.

Fr. Jon is married to Julie McVey, who is a digital archivist with National Geographic, and they are the proud parents of Anna Pauline, who is almost eight months old. Fun story: Even though Fr. Jon and Julie were both students at the University of Central Arkansas they had to travel halfway around the world to meet as exchange students in Shanghai, China.

Fr. Jon will bring much to St. Anne’s. He is especially skilled in pastoral care, counseling, and conflict resolution, and he even has worked with another church on a senior housing project. He is filled with imaginative ideas on how to attract young families, as well as work with seniors. 

When I asked Fr. Jon his thoughts about becoming our rector, he said, “Anna, Julie, and I are so excited to join the St. Anne’s family. Montgomery County has been a wonderful home for us already, and we eagerly anticipate becoming active members of the Damascus community. As a priest, I am profoundly impressed by the Christ-centered passion and vision you all bring to your common life together, and I look forward to joining you in our remarkable work ahead!”

I want to offer my sincere appreciation and gratitude to the Search Committee: Tim Pacey, Kim Hill, Jen Barnawi, Christina More, Christy McKendrew, Lanre Okusanya, Mark Ludwig, and Hugh Mace. They have been working tirelessly for 10 months, a complex task under any circumstances that was made far more difficult due to the pandemic restrictions. But they persisted! Along with a talented search consultant, they succeeded magnificently. We all owe them our thanks.

—--Cathryn Conroy, Senior Warden